Monday, November 18, 2013

Bands do cassette demos in 2013? Sure, why the hell not...

It’s good to see in 2013 the cassette demo is alive and well.  Cassette demos are an easy/in-expensive way to get your music heard.  Demos could be well done and crafted or totally “just plug in your instruments and hit the “record” button”.    Say what you will about the digital medium but for my money I like the tangibility of a record, cassette or CD with a well done insert.  I’m coming late to a couple of this releases but better late than never.

Correction-Five song Demo
This demo came out in the early part of ‘13 and is the side project of Steffan (Law and Order zine/Sectarian Violence/Stay Hungry) and Mattias (Anchor).  I’m not sure if it’s a one-time project.  It’s a straight edge tour-de-force, the insert picture is homage to the Brotherhood record, the part of Seattle played by the duo’s native Gothenburg, Sweden.  And look at that "X" it screams DIY Hardcore...the way it ought to be.  What strikes me about this record isn’t the lyrics (well written edge-speak with more than a nod to Earth Crisis “sent the devils to the gallows/let them swing from the wretched rope) but musically.  It sound’s less youth crew and more late 80s Scandinavian metallic hardcore.  Don’t worry there’s still parts for the all important pile-on-sing-a-long.  That’s a win in my book.

 Nightstalker is a Richmond, VA band and this demo is straight up early Eighties hardcore.   This band would fit easily into an early 80s Richmond hardcore show….”who’s playing Absence of Malice, Graven Image and Nightstalker”.    I could see it.  The vocals are growled out and the music has the requisite crunch.  The lyric sheet says this was recorded at the Nightstalker hideout, which means to me recorded live in someone’s basement, I think you can even hear them turn off the recorder after the last song.  It makes for a muddy sound but on the other hand gives a more accurate picture of how the band would be live.  This band is a total mystery, they don't have the standard internet presence that a lot of bands have nowadays so of course that makes me more curious to check them out.   Here's a darkened video...only adds to the mystery....

Cross Me “self-titled” Demo

Cross Me are from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and deliver good solid hardcore in the vein of Terror.   Of the three demos this one is the most musically dynamic (breakdowns, leads whatevs).   I love the way the bass sounds on this recording,  also this one is the most professionally done and sounds great, unfortunately it didn’t come with an insert like the others (sorry I like inserts) but I did get number 44 of 50.  Speedowax Records is putting this out on vinyl (with inserts) soon and these guys are touring with Expire this fall.  Download the demo from their bandcamp page or support the band by buying it directly.

All these bands are doing it the real way, putting out music and playing out--definitely support these guys and bands like them, don't just download their songs buy a shirt or spread the word about them....

Correction and Nightstalker demos can be picked up at Grave Mistake Records website

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Statue "look like Madness, play like Zepplin"--Chris Bratton "Radio Silence"

 Statue doesn't have a lot of releases, but what they do have is totally solid.  Here's my Stature collection: in order of release; The Something to Say 7" on Ambassador Records (songs: What goes wrong, Rememberence, Seeing Blind)  the Something to Say CD on Ambassador, Filter the Infection on black released by Revelation, the CD of Filter the Infection and a long sleve baring the infamous "Drop the Mold" phrase also from Revelation.

Statue was the brain-child of Alex and Chris from Chain of Strength.  I guess they wanted to do something different than the no-holds-barred straight edge hardcore of Chain with a more (do I dare say? it) 'emotional' sound.  You can still hear the Minor Threat/Uniform Choice influence on their first 7" which was recorded at Penn Dragon Studios in January of 1990 (I wonder if they recorded with Inside Out?) I believe it only came in white.

Ambassador also released a CD  version of the record in 1995 that contained the five song demo along with three live tracks recorded "somewhere in Los Angeles".   The demo/CD contains an early version of Reflecting Seductions.

The only thing I don't have by Statue is the white vinyl version of "Filter the Infection".  I remember hearing Filter...on a mixtape a friend sent me and I thought: here was a band that conveys emotion but still has some decent crunch and balls to it.

I got the long sleeve from Revelation some time in the late 90s. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy Go Licky--holy smokes that was 25 years ago....

Happy Go Licky- EP on Peterbilt Records

Man, has it been that long since I updated this thing?  Haven't had anything I wanted to write about---so here's a gem from 25 years ago.

The Happy Go Licky EP on Guy Picciotto's own Peterbuilt Records.  Only 1000 pressed and lovingly hand-assembled:

The tradition of weird packaging came about because when we were doing the first HGL 12" we were wracking our brain to think of a way to make a super cheap sleeve that didn't look like everything else. We came up with the concept of putting the records in a cut off 12" manila envelope with a sticker for cover art - a rubber stamp for the label info and a business card inside with track information. We had to cut 1000 manila envelopes in half with a paper cutter then stick on the stickers and stamp the backs - then we had to get the vinyl inside which was pretty tough to do cos they were so tight. i know that is one aspect of the records that frustrates people - how hard it is to get the records in and out of the sleeves. still, its become a tradition with all the Peterbilt vinyl releases to use the manila but honestly its a crazy pain in the ass assembling them by hand .it takes forever and
results in alot of paper cuts.---Guy Picciotto

When I first got this and heard it I'll admit it was totally over my 19 year-old head.  I wanted the wild hardcore abandon of Rites of Spring (HGL has the same members as Rites of Spring (Guy, Eddie, Brendan and Mike Fellows) but came from a different place creatively)---this was total art damage, tape loops--wacky surreal lyrics "get the dog definitely".  So I filed it away as a cool historical document, and didn't listen to it for ten years.

In 1997 Dischord Records (home of Guy's then  active band Fugazi and keepers of the Rites of Spring back catalogue) issued Happy Go Licky on CD with with extra songs.  I picked it up because I'm a total DC completist--it only took ten years for me to get Happy Go Licky---I was totally into the art damage, I had to be older to "get the dog" so to speak.   Happy Go Licky never made it to the studio and their recorded output is from the seven or so shows HGL performed.  The result is a tinny kinda flat sound--it's all that exists from this band, so I'll take it.  

This record comes up on ebay every now and then and a copy from Jeff Nelson's (Dischord Records co-founder) collection sold this past Feb for $85--I guess because it mostly belonged to Jeff Nelson, but according to the Popsike website the median price for this record has been $47---holy smokes I got it  for $5---well I'm not parting with my copy and unless you're a total punk rock historian/collector type with money to burn I can't see spending that much on six songs not even recorded in a studio.  Dischord has the CD still in print--yeah it doesn't have the cache that vinyl does but you get more songs and you're supporting the artist and the label.  Incidentally, it is a pain in the ass to get this record back in the jacket--I mostly listen to the CD.