Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Statue "look like Madness, play like Zepplin"--Chris Bratton "Radio Silence"

 Statue doesn't have a lot of releases, but what they do have is totally solid.  Here's my Stature collection: in order of release; The Something to Say 7" on Ambassador Records (songs: What goes wrong, Rememberence, Seeing Blind)  the Something to Say CD on Ambassador, Filter the Infection on black released by Revelation, the CD of Filter the Infection and a long sleve baring the infamous "Drop the Mold" phrase also from Revelation.

Statue was the brain-child of Alex and Chris from Chain of Strength.  I guess they wanted to do something different than the no-holds-barred straight edge hardcore of Chain with a more (do I dare say? it) 'emotional' sound.  You can still hear the Minor Threat/Uniform Choice influence on their first 7" which was recorded at Penn Dragon Studios in January of 1990 (I wonder if they recorded with Inside Out?) I believe it only came in white.

Ambassador also released a CD  version of the record in 1995 that contained the five song demo along with three live tracks recorded "somewhere in Los Angeles".   The demo/CD contains an early version of Reflecting Seductions.

The only thing I don't have by Statue is the white vinyl version of "Filter the Infection".  I remember hearing Filter...on a mixtape a friend sent me and I thought: here was a band that conveys emotion but still has some decent crunch and balls to it.

I got the long sleeve from Revelation some time in the late 90s. 

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